Yes, We Are Different!

We Take Time to Thoroughly Explain to You Your Legal Rights and Responsibilities, your options, the legal process, and what the outcomes in your case will mean to you in the short- and long-term.

We Keep You Informed at Each Step, updating you as we go along, so you know exactly what is going on and what to expect at every phase of your case.

We Balance Quality Representation and Service with an Affordable Fee for our services.

We Understand That You Have Choices Regarding Who You Choose to Represent You, and we always keep in mind that our clients are the reasons that we are in business.

We Work to Make Our Clients Feel Comfortable.

We Understand That We All Make Mistakes and Need Help at Times when we find ourselves in unfortunate situations. We Also Recognize That There are Also Times When We Have Done Nothing Wrong Yet We are Threatened With Punishment that we do not deserve.

We Enjoy the Work We Do, working with our clients to help them with important and challenging issues in their lives.

We Work Toward Achieving the Best Possible Outcome in Your Case, and we understand that people have diff priorities that are important to them – one person may have the aim to keep from losing his or her driver’s license, while another person may have the aim to keep a conviction off of her record, and yet another person may seek to minimize the fines that he or she faces.

We Return Your Emails and Phone Calls, and we gladly accept your emails and calls anytime you have questions.

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