Colorado Red Light Violations Case

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    Denver Traffic Lawyer Blog

    Colorado Red Light Violations Case

    Colorado Ticket Attorney — March 13, 2025

    Are you searching ‘Colorado Red Light Violations Case’? A qualified traffic attorney may be able to leave you with a cleaner driving record, lower drivers license points, and minimal court fees.

    A Failure to Obey Traffic Control Device Traffic Ticket Attorney may be able to help with your case. Failure to Obey Traffic Control Device, CRS § 42-4-603 is a Class A Traffic Infraction and a conviction will result in a scheduled fine plus court costs and surcharges, with an assessment of 4 points to your driver’s license. Contact us today to learn more about your specific traffic ticket or court summons.

    Depending on the specific charge, a Colorado red light violation can negatively impact your driving record, leading to various consequences. These include: a driver’s license suspension, fines, compulsory classes, or jail time. Furthermore, a conviction may result in drivers license points, expensive court fees and fines, and increased insurance premiums for years following the ticket. In severe cases, jail time is a potential consequence. Contact our team to learn about the legal options regarding your Colorado failure to obey traffic control device ticket.

    Get a free consultation from a Colorado Traffic Lawyer to learn about your legal options. A Colorado red light violation court case can potentially be handled by a qualified traffic attorney. We handle Colorado traffic tickets, speeding tickets, court summonses, & more.

    Attorneys who repeatedly work in the same courts have the knowledge and expertise to effectively fight your ticket. Our traffic attorneys have successfully handled hundreds of Colorado cases.

    Colorado Traffic Ticket Lawyer

    Denver Traffic Lawyer, LLC — Est. 2003

    Colorado Traffic Ticket Lawyer & Colorado Traffic Ticket Attorney. Colorado Speeding Tickets, Colorado Court Cases, Colorado Careless Driving, Colorado Reckless Driving, & more.

    Denver Traffic Lawyer, LLC handles cases in 45+ Court Jurisdictions throughout the state of Colorado. To get more information on your specific case, contact our traffic law firm today to discuss your Colorado red light violation from an experienced Colorado traffic ticket lawyer. Our lawyers may be able to help answer questions about your specific case. Get a FREE case consultation to learn about traffic cases in Colorado.

    Facing a Colorado traffic case? To learn more about your traffic infraction, call a qualified traffic ticket attorney. Our lawyers have handled thousands of traffic ticket cases across Colorado. With over 200 5-star reviews, we aim to keep clients satisfied and informed of their legal options. Established in 2003, our top-rated attorneys have handled Colorado traffic tickets for the last 20+ years. Call our team today at (303) 625-9400.