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Commercial Driver CDL Important Message
CDL Drivers – Commercial Drivers License (CDL)
Are you a CDL Driver? Hiring a qualified CDL Driver Traffic Ticket Attorney may help with your case. If you hold a Commercial Drivers License CDL, you are held to a higher standard of driving conduct and safety, not only while you are operating a Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) but also while you are driving your personal vehicle. You must also adhere to more strict federal regulations or else you risk losing your CDL privileges.
Get a FREE Consultation! Please complete this form OR send a text to (303) 625-9400 for information about Commercial Driver Licenses (CDL) .
Alert to Commercial Drivers License CDL Holders
Important: If you are a CDL Holder, pay particular attention to the warnings throughout this website that have the above icon. These warnings will help to alert you to violations that are CDL “Major” or “Serious” Traffic Offenses. Be sure that you fully understand the consequences to your CDL driving privileges for any violation with this warning. A CDL Disqualification may result if a driver is administratively determined to have committed or gets a conviction for a “Major” or “Serious” traffic violation.
Commercial Drivers License CDL Alert: Talk to Us Before Paying the Ticket!
Important: Depending upon the issuing police agency (including Colorado State Patrol and many County Sheriff’s Offices), if you pay the penalty assessment amount by mail, the original charge may be entered onto your driving history even though the assessed points are reduced. If you possess a Commercial Drivers License, be particularly cautious before you mail in a penalty assessment ticket because you might be admitting guilt to the original charge, which could result in a “Serious Offense” under the Commercial Drivers License CDL Program with a 30-day, 60-day or longer Disqualification in certain cases. Depending on the jurisdiction where the ticket is issued, an attorney may be able to get the charge reduced to a charge that is not a “Serious Offense“. Regardless of whether you have a Colorado or Out-of-State driver’s license, be sure you fully understand the CDL consequences of mailing in a penalty assessment ticket before you do so. Call us today to discuss your case!