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Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance Attorney
Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance Traffic Ticket Lawyer
A Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance Traffic Ticket Attorney may be able to help with your case. Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance, CRS § 42-4-1410.5., is a serious charge. It is a Class 1 Traffic Misdemeanor Offense and a conviction for a first-time Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance violation may result in a minimum mandatory fine of $500.00 plus court costs and surcharges and other legal consequences.
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Other potential legal consequences include a possible jail sentence (usually only ordered in cases where there are aggravating factors, such as excessive severe injury to a person or extreme indifference to the safety of others), restitution, community or useful public service, probation for one year or longer, and other possible requirements by the court, with an assessment of 4 points to your driver’s license. The court may impose a fine amount greater than the minimum amount. Additionally, the court may suspend up to one-half of the assessed fine amount if the driver subsequently gets liability insurance that is in effect at the time of the court hearing.
What If I Get Two or More Violations For No Insurance Within a 5 Year Period?
If a driver gets two or more convictions for Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance within a five year period, in addition to the penalties listed above, the minimum mandatory fine is increased to $1,000.00, with the possibility that the court may suspend up to one-half of the assessed fine amount if the driver subsequently gets liability insurance that is in effect at the time of the court hearing.
CRS § 42-4-1410.5 – Colorado Revised Statutes
“(1) It is unlawful for any person to offer, use, or attempt to offer or use any means, manner, type of paper, document, card, digital image, or any other proof of motor vehicle liability insurance required by state law to a law enforcement officer, judge, magistrate, prosecutor, or employee of a court clerk’s office with the intent to mislead that official regarding the status of any motor vehicle liability insurance policy in the course of an official investigation, or for purposes of dismissing any charge under section 42-4-1409 or reducing any penalty imposed under section 42-4-1409, where such means, manner, type, or kind of proof of insurance offered or used, or that is attempted to be offered or used, is known or should be known by the person to be false, fraudulent, or incorrect in any material manner or way, or which is known or should be known by the person to be altered, forged, defaced, or changed in any material respect, unless such changes are required or authorized by law.” (FindLaw, 2022)
“(2) Violation of this section is a class B traffic infraction, punishable by a fine of up to five hundred dollars.” (FindLaw, 2022)
“(3) A person who is convicted of, who admits liability for, or against whom a judgment is entered for a violation of this section shall be deemed, but only for purposes of section 18-1-408, C.R.S., to have been convicted of a criminal offense.” (FindLaw, 2022)
Source: – Colorado Revised Statutes Title 42. Vehicles and Traffic § 42-4-1410.5. Providing false evidence of proof of motor vehicle insurance–penalty – last updated January 01, 2022 |
Hiring a Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance Attorney…
Hire a Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance Traffic Ticket Attorney…
Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance Traffic Ticket Lawyer & Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance Traffic Ticket Attorney. Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance Tickets, Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance Court Cases, & more.
Denver Traffic Lawyer, LLC handles cases in 45+ Court Jurisdictions throughout the state of Colorado. To get more information on your specific case, contact our traffic law firm today to discuss your Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance Colorado Traffic Ticket from an experienced Colorado Traffic Ticket Lawyer. Our lawyers may be able to help answer questions about your specific Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance case. Get a FREE Case Consultation to learn about Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance Cases in Colorado.
Facing a Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance Court Case? To summarize, depending upon the traffic ticket or court summons, you may face serious penalties. Penalties can include a jail sentence, community service, a heavy fine, a loss of your driver’s privileges, court fees, increased insurance premiums, & other penalties. To learn more about your specific case, call a Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance Ticket Attorney.
Our top-rated attorneys have handled thousands of traffic cases throughout Colorado over the last 20 years. A Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance Court Case can likely be handled by a qualified traffic attorney. Overall, an experienced & trusted Colorado Traffic Attorney may be able to help with your case. Get a FREE Consultation from a Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance Ticket Attorney today!