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Failure to Use Headlights Attorney
Failure to Use Headlights Traffic Ticket Lawyer
Hiring a Failure to Use Headlights Traffic Ticket Attorney may help with the outcome of your case. Failure to Use Headlights, CRS § 42-4-204, is a Class A Traffic Infraction and a conviction will result in a scheduled fine plus court costs and surcharges, with an assessment of 2 points to your driver’s license. Do you have questions about your specific traffic ticket or court summons? Contact us to learn more.
Get a FREE Consultation! Please complete this form OR send a text to (303) 625-9400 for information about your Failure to Use Headlights case.
CRS § 42-4-204 – Colorado Revised Statutes
“(1) Every vehicle upon a highway within this state, between sunset and sunrise and at any other time when, due to insufficient light or unfavorable atmospheric conditions, persons and vehicles on the highway are not clearly discernible at a distance of one thousand feet ahead, shall display lighted lamps and illuminating devices as required by this article for different classes of vehicles, subject to exceptions with respect to parked vehicles.” (FindLaw, 2022)
“(2) Whenever requirement is declared by this article as to distance from which certain lamps and devices shall render objects visible or within which such lamps or devices shall be visible, said provisions shall apply during the times stated in subsection (1) of this section in respect to a vehicle without load when upon a straight, level, unlighted highway under normal atmospheric conditions, unless a different time or condition is expressly stated.” (FindLaw, 2022)
“(3) Whenever requirement is declared by this article as to the mounted height of lamps or devices, it shall mean from the center of such lamp or device to the level ground upon which the vehicle stands when such vehicle is without a load.” (FindLaw, 2022)
“(7) The provisions of this section shall not apply in the case of public transportation programs for pupil transportation under section 22-51-104(1)(c), C.R.S.” (FindLaw, 2022)
Source: – Colorado Revised Statutes Title 42. Vehicles and Traffic § 42-4-204. When lighted lamps are required – last updated January 01, 2022 |
Hiring a Failure to Use Headlights Attorney…
Hire a Failure to Use Headlights Traffic Ticket Attorney…
Failure to Use Headlights Traffic Ticket Lawyer & Failure to Use Headlights Traffic Ticket Attorney. Failure to Use Headlights Tickets, Failure to Use Headlights Court Cases, & more.
Denver Traffic Lawyer, LLC handles cases in 45+ Court Jurisdictions throughout the state of Colorado. To get more information on your specific case, contact our traffic law firm today to discuss your Failure to Use Headlights Colorado Traffic Ticket from an experienced Colorado Traffic Ticket Lawyer. Our lawyers may be able to help answer questions about your specific Failure to Use Headlights case. Get a FREE Case Consultation to learn about Failure to Use Headlights Cases in Colorado.
Facing a Failure to Use Headlights Court Case? To summarize, depending upon the traffic ticket or court summons, you may face serious penalties. Penalties can include a jail sentence, community service, a heavy fine, a loss of your driver’s privileges, court fees, increased insurance premiums, & other penalties. To learn more about your specific case, call a Failure to Use Headlights Ticket Attorney.
Our top-rated attorneys have handled thousands of traffic cases throughout Colorado over the last 20 years. A Failure to Use Headlights Court Case can likely be handled by a qualified traffic attorney. Overall, an experienced & trusted Colorado Traffic Attorney may be able to help with your case. Get a FREE Consultation from a Failure to Use Headlights Ticket Attorney today!