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Non-Resident Violators Compact (NRVC)
Non-Resident Violators Compact
The Non-Resident Violators Compact (NRVC) is an agreement among 44 (Alaska, California, Michigan, Montana, Oregon, and Wisconsin are not members) states regarding traffic tickets and summonses that have been issued to drivers who live outside the state where the violation occurred. The NRVC is a system for the member states to uniformly process traffic violations of non-resident drivers.
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The NRVC provides that if a visiting driver receives a moving traffic violation ticket and the driver fails to take care of the ticket (by failing to appear in court, pay the fine amount, or adhere to requirements as specified in the ticket or summons), then the home state will suspend the driver’s license until the driver takes care of the outstanding ticket. Suspension of the license in the driver’s home state will remain in effect as long as the ticket remains outstanding.
What Information is Recorded in the Non-Resident Violators Compact Computer Database?
Each state’s motor vehicle agency which is a member of the Non-Resident Violators Compact has an agreement among participating states. The agencies are required to enter information in NRVC whenever a driver has an unresolved Civil Traffic Infraction Traffic Ticket. The agencies have also agreed to suspend the violator’s driving privilege until the ticket is resolved. Our top-rated attorneys may be able to help with your specific case. Contact us to learn more about the Non-Resident Violators Compact and potentially resolving your ticket.
What Do I Need To Do if my License has been Suspended Due to the NRVC?
If you have found out that your driver’s license has been suspended in your home state due to an unpaid or outstanding traffic ticket in Colorado, you must resolve the outstanding ticket before you can reinstate your driving privileges in your home state. Contact us today for more information on the Non-Resident Violators Compact!