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Reckless Driving Attorney
Reckless Driving Traffic Ticket Lawyer
A Reckless Driving Traffic Ticket Attorney may be able to help with your case. Reckless Driving, CRS § 42-4-1401, is a serious charge. It is a Class 2 Traffic Misdemeanor Offense and a conviction may result in a scheduled fine plus court costs and surcharges and other potential legal consequences. Do you have questions about your specific traffic ticket or court summons? Contact us to learn more.
Get a FREE Consultation! Please complete this form OR send a text to (303) 625-9400 for information about Reckless Driving.
Potential Consequences of a Conviction
Other possible consequences of a conviction include a possible jail sentence (usually only ordered in cases where there are aggravating factors, such as injury to a person or reckless indifference to the safety of others), restitution, community or useful public service, probation for one year or longer, and other possible requirements by the court, with an assessment of 8 points to your driver’s license. In some cases, a conviction for Reckless Driving may affect your automobile insurance coverage or premium rates for years to come. Our lawyers may be able to help fight your traffic ticket.
Increased Possible Penalties For Subsequent Convictions)
Upon a second or subsequent conviction, in addition to the possible court penalties and requirements provided above, the maximum possible fine is increased to $1,000.00 and the possible maximum jail sentence is increased to 6 months.
Alert to All Drivers – HTO Strike
Commercial Drivers License CDL Alert: Serious Offense
Alert to All Drivers – Requirement for Payment of Restitution
Alert to All Drivers With Professional Licenses – Duty to Report, If Conviction
CRS § 42-4-1401 – Colorado Revised Statutes
“(1) A person who drives a motor vehicle, bicycle, electrical assisted bicycle, electric scooter, or low-power scooter in such a manner as to indicate either a wanton or a willful disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving. A person convicted of reckless driving of a bicycle, electrical assisted bicycle, or electric scooter is not subject to section 42-2-127.” (FindLaw, 2022)
“(2) Any person who violates any provision of this section commits a class 2 misdemeanor traffic offense. Upon a second or subsequent conviction, such person shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than ten days nor more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.” (FindLaw, 2022)
Source: – Colorado Revised Statutes Title 42. Vehicles and Traffic § 42-4-1401. Reckless driving–penalty – last updated January 01, 2022 |
Hiring a Reckless Driving Attorney…
Hire a Reckless Driving Traffic Ticket Attorney…
Reckless Driving Traffic Ticket Lawyer & Reckless Driving Traffic Ticket Attorney. Reckless Driving Tickets, Reckless Driving Court Cases, & more.
Denver Traffic Lawyer, LLC handles cases in 45+ Court Jurisdictions throughout the state of Colorado. To get more information on your specific case, contact our traffic law firm today to discuss your Reckless Driving Colorado Traffic Ticket from an experienced Colorado Traffic Ticket Lawyer. Our lawyers may be able to help answer questions about your specific Reckless Driving case. Get a FREE Case Consultation to learn about Reckless Driving Cases in Colorado.
Facing a Reckless Driving Court Case? To summarize, depending upon the traffic ticket or court summons, you may face serious penalties. Penalties can include a jail sentence, community service, a heavy fine, a loss of your driver’s privileges, court fees, increased insurance premiums, & other penalties. To learn more about your specific case, call a Reckless Driving Ticket Attorney.
Our top-rated attorneys have handled thousands of traffic cases throughout Colorado over the last 20 years. A Reckless Driving Court Case can likely be handled by a qualified traffic attorney. Overall, an experienced & trusted Colorado Traffic Attorney may be able to help with your case. Get a FREE Consultation from a Reckless Driving Ticket Attorney today!