Drivers License Points Adult Drivers

Drivers License Points Adult Drivers

Drivers License Points Adult Drivers — If a driver accumulates too many “points” assessed in a certain period of time by the Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for convictions of certain traffic violations, the driver’s license may be suspended for up to one year. This type of suspension is called a “Point Suspension”. The amount of points you are allowed before the suspension of your driver’s license depends upon your age and whether you where driving as a chauffeur. An “Adult Driver” is a driver who is 21 years or older and not a Chauffeur Driver at the time of the traffic violation.

Driving Privileges

Your driving privileges will be suspended for up to one year if your license is assessed the following amount or more of points within the listed amount of time:

Adult Drivers (21 Years or Older)
12 points in any 12 consecutive months
18 points in any 24 consecutive months

What if I am a Chauffeur Driver? Am I Allowed More Points?

Yes. Read about how more points are allowed for Chauffeur Drivers.<

What Happens if I Get a Ticket Before I Am 21 Years Old, Then Turn 21 Before My Court Date? Do I Get Points Added To My License?

No. In Colorado, you do not start out with points and are not given points as you grow1 older; rather, a Point Suspension occurs when a driver accumulates too many points within a certain period of time. The amount of points that you are allowed before a suspension occurs depends upon your age at the time of the violation.

Next: Read DMV’s Procedure When Too Many Points.
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