Drivers License Points Chauffeur Drivers

Drivers License Points Adult Drivers

Drivers License Points Chauffeur Drivers — If a driver accumulates too many “points” assessed in a certain period of time by the Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for a conviction of a certain traffic violations, the driver’s license may be suspended for up to one year. This type of suspension is called a “Point Suspension.” The amount of points you are allowed before the suspension of your driver’s license depends upon your age and whether you were driving as a chauffeur. A “Chauffeur Driver” only applies to a driver who is: 1. In the course of employment and having as a principal duty the operation of a motor vehicle; 2. on-duty as a chauffeur at the time of the traffic violation; and 3. driving a motor vehicle while in use as a public or common carrier of persons or property.

Driving Privileges

Your driving privileges will be suspended for up to one year if your license is assessed the following amount or more of points in the listed amount of time:

Chauffeur Drivers (Violations Must be During the Course of Employment) (additional restrictions apply)
16 points in 1 year
24 points in 2 years
24 points in 2 years

The On-Duty Requirement

In order to qualify for the extra points allowed to a Chauffeur Driver before a Point Suspension occurs, the traffic violations must have occurred while the chauffeur was on-duty (at work). Any violations that occurred while the chauffeur was off-duty (not at work) will be handled as if the chauffeur was an Adult Driver or a Minor Driver, depending on the driver’s age at the time of the violations.

Certain Violations Not Included

Extra points allowed to a Chauffeur Driver before a Point Suspension occurs are not applied to certain traffic violations, as follows: DUI, DUI Per Se, DWI, UDD, Habitual User and Leaving The Scene of an Accident shall be suspended in the same manner as if the offense occurred outside the course of employment.

Further Requirements Under C.R.S. § 42-2-127

C.R.S. § 42-2-127 (15) additionally provides: “‘Chauffeur’ means every person who is employed for the principal purpose of operating a motor vehicle and every person who drives a motor vehicle while in use as a public or common carrier of persons or property.” Read the C.R.S. § 42-2-127 Definitions for more information.

Next: Read DMV’s Procedure When Too Many Points.
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